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Our Giving Model

Our smarter giving model sets us apart from other charities. With us, your generosity can have impact for many, many years.


Here’s how it works:


Donations can be invested so they can grow and become long-term reliable funding streams.
It’s the income your giving earns that is distributed to worthy, local causes every year; the original gift itself remains protected so it can continue to benefit your chosen causes in your community well into the future.

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Your giving can go further and forever.

Our Founding Endowments

Belmont Family Endowment
Craigs IP Workplace Giving
Davis Family Foundation

Flynn Dawson Foundation
Edgar Charitable Fund
Generation Give Youth Philanthropy Fund

Gurnsey Family Endowment

Holtzman Family Endowment

Happiness House

Impact100 Wakatipu Fund

Kate Moetaua Foundation

Key Family Endowment
Pertr and Jindra Sykora Trust

Queenstown Trails Trust

J & M Taylor Family Endowment Fund

Wakatipu Greatest Needs Fund

Wakatipu High School Foundation

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Sample Donor Brief

Each year we provide our endowment donors with a personalised annual report.  This report provides our financials and reports, a list of their annual giving, a survey of what's important to them, and a curated list of charities and causes they are interested they might be interested in supporting.

Your gift. Your say.

We have different ways you can give and

donations of any size are welcome.

Give while you live

Make a one-off donation or regular contributions to an existing fund that’s been set up to achieve good, long-term. One-off donations can also begin to build your own Named Endowment Fund.

Leave a gift in your will

You can choose to leave a gift in your will to causes close to your heart.
The gift can be a percentage of your estate or a specified sum. It is entirely your choice.

Give to an existing fund

There may already be a fund set up that’s working towards something you care about. Or you can contribute to the collective pool of the general fund and leave it to us to channel funds where they are needed most.

Set up a new fund

Gifts of significant size can be eligible to become your own Named Endowment Fund. You can choose the name and which charities or causes will receive donations from the Fund’s income. And you or your descendants will receive annual reports on earnings and distributions from your Fund.

Give as part of a group

Workplace giving is a way for employers and groups of employees to give back to their community. We can help companies setup regular giving via their payroll system.


Giving Circles are a gathering of like-minded people pooling their financial resources and collectively contributing to a better society. We can help get your group started.

Donations made during your lifetime qualify for a tax rebate of 33.3% up to the limit of your taxable income.

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Wakatipu Community Foundation is a registered charity in New Zealand CC55258.

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Leave Your Local Legacy


When you’re ready, here’s how we can help you:


  • Determine what you most love and care about in your community and showing you how you could support and impact causes that matter to you


  • Providing information on giving strategies


  • Connecting you with local causes, programmes or charities doing good work in your community


  • Tailoring a plan of how you would like your money to be used


  • Simplifying the process by managing all administration, investments and distributing the income – you get to say where your gift goes, which is the best bit!


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