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Meet the Team
Founding Ambassadors
Sir Eion Edgar
Sir Eion Edgar retired as Chairman of Forsyth Barr Group Ltd in 2018, a Dunedin based firm of Sharebrokers and Investment Bankers was then their Ambassador.
In 2004 he was named The NBR New Zealander of the Year and was inducted into the Business Hall of Fame and received the award of Senior New Zealnder of the Year in 2010.
He was the Chairman of the Winter Games NZ Charitable Trust and the Queenstown Resort College. He was Chairman of the Sinclair Investment Group
Family holding company) and is a former Trustee of the Arts Foundation of New Zealand and The Foundation for Youth Development (formerly Project K). Sir Eion was also a Life Trustee of The Halberg Disability Foundation, The Rhododendrons for Dunedin Trust and The Skeggs Foundation.
Sir Eion passed away in June 2021
Mark Taylor
Mark manages a private investment company, Prospect Investment Management Ltd and is a member of the Chartered Accountants of Australia & New Zealand and Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. Being naturally commercially inquisitive Mark has been involved in a number of industries over his investing years with particular interest in property, technology, education and carbon markets.
Close to home Mark is a founding Director and investor in Queenstown Resort College. ​ Mark has previously been the chair of the Wakatipu High School Foundation and Queenstown Alpine Ski team, a Trustee of Wakatipu Health Trust and is currently a member of the Investment Advisory Board for Central Lakes Trust. ​ Living in the Wakatipu permanently since 2002, Mark is married with 5 children, his wife Jane is a Barrister and professional Company Director and occasional QLDC independent hearings Commissioner. Pastimes include skiing, mountain biking and gardening.
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